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        How do I log into CYMS?
        How do I run my DAR/ End of Shift Cashout?
        What does CYMS stand for?
        How do I get rid of duplicate Households?
        I cannot login. When I double click on CYMS, the screen just flashes. Why does this occur?
        How do I prorate billing for Camps?
        How do I archive my old class rosters to prepare for this year's classes?
        How do I unlock a drawer that someone accidentally logged in on?

How do I unlock a drawer that someone accidentally logged in on?
**This task can only be done by someone who has Manager's admin rights.**

End of Shift Cash-Out by Drawer.
Path: Daily, System, End of Shift Cash-Out by Drawer#
Purpose: This process is performed by the manager to allow other clerks to log in on the cash drawer that someone accidentally logged in on without doing an end of shift.

Key Points:
?If there were sales taken, if the information is not entered, that cashier's sales will be over/under for that amount.
?This should only be done if a cashier accidentally started a batch with no sales.

Running the End of Shift Cash-Out by Drawer #
1. Enter the drawer number that you are trying to clear out.
2. Enter the cash balancing information (Normally this will be all zero's)
3. Click Process and then Yes on Continue With Cash Balancing
4. Click on Process on the Tender Balancing Update.
5. Click on Process at the Tender Balancing Review.
6. The End of Shift Cash Out report will come up for that drawer and the next user can now log in to that drawer.