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        How do I log into CYMS?
        How do I run my DAR/ End of Shift Cashout?
        What does CYMS stand for?
        How do I get rid of duplicate Households?
        I cannot login. When I double click on CYMS, the screen just flashes. Why does this occur?
        How do I prorate billing for Camps?
        How do I archive my old class rosters to prepare for this year's classes?
        How do I unlock a drawer that someone accidentally logged in on?

How do I prorate billing for Camps?
When to use: When you are ready to change from Before/After School care to Summer Camp. This program automatically pro-rates the final B/A school bill, cancels all B/A bills while camp is taking place and, when school starts up again, prorates the first new B/A school bill.

This guide assumes your camps are set up properly for weekly enrollment/billing and the children are already enrolled in the camp sessions

Prior to the last before/after billing cycle and before summer camp begins:

The timing of this process is CRITICAL. It should be run JUST before the last billing cycle for the B/A School program and before summer camp begins. For example:

- If school ends on June 7th, you would run this process prior to running the B/A school billing for June 1st.
- If school ends on June 18th and you bill bi-monthly, you need to run the process just before billing the B/A school classes for June 15th.

1. Click on the B/A School Prorate button.
2. Right click in the Beg CYS Actv/Sec field and choose the first section of B/A School.
3. Right click in the End CYS Actv/Sec field and choose the last section of B/A School. Beware: If there are more programs in your range than just before and after, all installment bills connected to those programs will be prorated. Please be careful!
4. Enter the date the B/A School program will end and when it will begin again.
5. Click Process.
6. Confirm your selections and click Yes.
7. The report that prints as a result of this process will show which bills were pro-rated.

After the last billing is run for the B/A School season, CAMP BILLING SHOULD TAKE PLACE EVERY MONDAY until camp is over.

BEFORE RUNNING THE FIRST BILLING FOR THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR, carefully check your Before and After School rosters:
- Be sure any children who will not be returning are transferred to history. If a child has an outstanding balance for this class, verify it BEFORE you transfer him to history. Only valid balances (money the family actually owes for this class) should be carried into history as a ?previous year balance.?
- Be sure any children new to the B/A School program are enrolled with the correct start date.